Thursday, May 14, 2009

Getting Permission from Jesus

You know sometimes it seems every thing I want to do these days requires me to have to get permission from some sort of government agency or bureaucracy. Even simple tasks require making sure I don't upset someone in the family, so you clear it with the spouse. I wonder what I could get done if I didn't have their okee-dokee before the next endeavor. Well, maybe I don't have to wonder what would happen. I have been married now almost 31 years and I know that did not happen by not clearing things with her before I acted. But, there is one decision that I made where I did not require their permission, and that was to serve God. I had even once went so far as to tell, with or without you I am going to serve God. I believe that decision is one of the main ingredients to our long successful relationship. That is why I am writing this, so I can remain in service to God, with or without you.
Not long ago, it was popular to wear a wrist band, or necklace, or put a bumper sticker on your vehicle that asked simply What Would Jesus Do (WWJD). Knowing what Jesus would do when we come to a decision making crossroad is very important, but having permission to proceed can be just as critical.
Let's together look at Simon called Peter, one of Jesus' disciples.
When Simon called Peter first met Jesus, he had been fishing with his comrades all night long and had caught nothing. If you are a fisherman you understand that this happens, my cousin John told me "that is why it is called fishing and not catching". If my profession is fishing I fish even if I do not catch. I watched this TV show called the "Deadliest Catch" and these guys sometimes bring in their traps and they are empty. They don't stop fishing and ask for permission to continue, they throw their traps back in the water and try again. But Simon who was called Peter was calling it quits for the night had been long and he knew when to quit because he was the professional fisherman. He knew there was no need to throw their nets in any more. Tomorrow, would be a better day.
But this was fast becoming no ordinary fishing expedition for Simon and his fellow fisherman because Jesus was standing on the shoreline and was about to tell them to do something they knew was totally futile just moments before Jesus spoke. He tells them to push out a little deeper and throw their nets in one more time on the other side of the boat. I am sure that most men would have scoffed at this request, seeing they knew nothing of this man on shore, and he probably didn't even look a fisherman or where was his boat and nets they might ask. But, Simon said “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” (Luke 5:5 NKJV). Now when this happened their nets were so full they could barely bring it all in. Jesus then called Simon to follow him and he would make him into a "Fisher of Men". Looks like Jesus has changed Simon's profession because he followed and left his nets behind.
Now it so happens that after Jesus had been crucified all the disciples were gathered together discussing what to do next and somehow Simon who was called Peter decided he had heard enough and said to his fellow disciples “I am going fishing.”
(John 21:3 NKJV)and a couple of the others said they would go with him. I wonder sometimes why the others thought going with him would be okay to do as well. Oh well, maybe they remembered how good Simon was at fishing and since Jesus was now gone and most of their faith as well, just might as well go fishing. but they fished again all night "They went out and immediately got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing. 4 But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus." (John 21:3,4 NKJV).
You see this where permission comes in. Yes, Simon was probably a very good fisherman and it was legitimate for him to fish, but if you will recall, Jesus had changed his profession. Simon was a "Fisher of Men" now and Jesus had not changed his mind about that. I believe that is why Simon and his friends caught nothing until Jesus called out to them from the shoreline and gave them permission to catch fish this one more time.
So you see, If God has called you to do something like write a daily Bible verse or dig ditches you have his permission to proceed. But if we just decide to do something else, it will seem futile and unprofitable no matter how good it looks or how practical it may be or even if it is what might be expected of you by others. You are going to need His permission. You see God's calling is without repentance. that means he will not say I am sorry, I was wrong, I made a mistake. Jesus qualifies who he calls, and does not take it back. We have his permission to follow his calling, what we do not have is his permission to stop.
May God Bless,
Ask Pastor Ron

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